Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Health insurance for cats

The health of the cat is particularly dear to each pet owner. Unfortunately, there are emergencies, illnesses and high financial costs that each pet owner has to face. Many cat owners know that these high costs can be avoided ny various means like through insurances.

Today it is common to avoid the financial risks that each pet owner has to face. The reason is easy to explain: the cost of vet visits and surgeries have increased enormously.

What is a health insurance for the cat?
image of cat insurance.
A cat health insurance works much like health insurance for us humans. There are however two versions that focus on different costs. In both variants, it is possible that the vet bills directly with the insurer.

What opportunities are there?

Especially in the field of pet insurance, it is important to consider, first, what costs you want to protect within the risk provisions. Today there are several possible variants of complete pet health insurance.

They differ mainly in the different priorities of the financial risk prevention:
A comprehensive health insurance for cats is for outpatient and inpatient costs, including medications and surgery. It deals with all costs and focuses on protecting the farmers against eventualities in a disease of the animal. This complete cat health insurance covers outpatient costs as well as the cost of an operation. Well preventive care and immunizations are covered.

The insurance gives every cat an opportunity to avail various things like:
  • Drugs
  • Accommodation costs in the animal hospital
  • Diagnosis (including X-ray, laboratory, ultrasound, ECG, CT, MRI)
  • Physical Therapy
  • Homeopathic treatment
  • Surgical interventions, surgery
  • Vaccination and deworming
  • Flea and tick control
  • Health Check
"Normal" outpatient visits to the vet

As vets bill for a specific fee structure, you should look for the cat insurance that gives reimbursement. In particular emergencies, they should also refund up to three times the rate of the cost.

The second variant is the cat’s surgical insurance. This insurance usually focuses solely on the cost focus of operations. One should note that the preliminary investigation, the treatment and medications may also be insured. A special focus of medical care is covered. This insurance plan is of course cheaper than the cat’s full insurance. Advantage of operating insurance costs is that the idea of insurance is important here - for a relatively small contribution, you are protected against high costs.

Important data when completing a cat insurance or just a stone's health insurance are the gender, race, age, weight, type of farming and whether the cat is healthy and if not for what diseases, including whether it is chronic or not.

Insurance jungle?

Many insurance companies offer different products for pet owners. The choice of tariffs and the services are great since it is not easy to keep track!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

About Immunoglobulin

Immunoglobulin A

IgA specializes in mucous membranes. The immunoglobulin A (IgA) specializes in defense of antigens on the surfaces of the human mucous membranes such as nose, throat and intestines . Their share in the total amount of antibody is approximately 17 percent. Often pathogen and allergens are  intercepted by the IgA. It can be found in the milk of a breastfeeding mother. She can transmit the defense substances to the infant.

Immunoglobulin M

IgM is the quick-starter among the immunoglobulins. If a foreign pathogen enters the body, the body reacts first with the production of immunoglobulin M (IgM). Because IgM is so fast, it is sometimes referred to as early antibodies.

IgM and IgG to work hand in hand.  The production of IgM drops a few weeks after the start of the infection. Then, for the protection of the organism, the IgG antibodies  increase. They provide special protection. It is through this mechanism which a specific laboratory diagnosis is possible.

If infection is an initial infection, the IgM production increases rapidly.

If infection is a secondary infection, the IgM concentration remains low.

The acute phase of infection decreases the concentration of IgM.

Immunoglobulin D

IgD activate the B-lymphocytes. The immunoglobulin D (IgD) is detectable only in very small amounts in the serum. The function and significance is not yet much known. The activation of B lymphocytes plays a role, because it "sits" on the surface of B lymphocytes, and deals with them in the bloodstream.
Immunoglobulin E

IgE is important in allergy and worm infections. The immunoglobulin E (IgE) is also highly specialized and plays in the defense against worm infections and allergies. It originates from the lymphatic tissues. From there, it enters the blood. IgE is detectable in tiny quantities only. Only 0.001 percent of all immunoglobulins are IgE. Nevertheless, it plays more than 90 percent of all allergic processes.

The small amount of IgE is also responsible for ensuring that it will be designated with the name Reagin. IgE was discovered only much later than the other immunoglobulins.

IgE leads to the release of mediators that cause inflammation. IgE, like all immunoglobulins, has a protein body. It can easily couple to all other body cells. IgE in the skin and mucous membranes are mostly found in allergic reactions to allergens. When allergens on the skin and mucous membranes come in contact with IgE, they cause the IgE to change in the function of various cells. These changes lead to the release of substances from the cells, causing an inflammatory reaction. These substances are called mediators. The best-known mediator is histamine.Find more information from anatomy lessons at school or over the internet.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

White Grape Wines

White wines come either from white or black grapes. Some of the best known white grape varieties include Chardonnay, Sauvignon, Riesling, Marsanne, Melon de Bourgogne or even Semillon.

The six main white grape varieties:


Named after a small village in Macon in Burgundy, Chardonnay has increased a lot in popularity over 90 years, from 7300 ha forty years ago to 30000 ha at the present moment. Cultivated in Europe, Germany, America, Argentina, Canada, Chile, Australia and not only, it is now an international grape variety that is also used in champagne, including in the making of Blanc de Blancs.
image of wines.
This early variety is very fragile although it produces very high-quality wine. It is sensitive to late frosts, excessive vegetation and too intense drought. Therefore, those who embark on its cultivation should be very vigilant!


Fine and fruity aromas of apple, citrus and pineapple combined with notes of caramel, mineral.


A native of Bordeaux, the Sauvignon grape is one of the favorite French wine producers.

It has also won the palates of consumers worldwide, tasters and ordinary amateurs being enchanted by this grape! Indeed, it is has exceptional aromatic qualities that allow tasters to distinguish it from other white grapes.

Particularly sensitive to the quality of the soil, Sauvignon grapes thrive on calcareous soils and produce wines like romanian wines very quickly. Cultivated on clay and silica soils, it produces wines that improve over time.


Aromas of grapefruit, juniper, boxwood, flint, blackcurrant, passion fruit, litchi, orange, guava, iris, elderberry, rose, acacia, lime, rhubarb, asparagus, musk, roasted meat, melon, nectarine or peach. The aromas released by the Sauvignon grapes depend on its planting site.


A native of the Rhineland and the Moselle, Riesling is recognized as one of the best white grape varieties in the world. The Riesling grape is a gastronomic excellence. Indeed, it makes special fruity wines, even if they are lighter and livelier than Chardonnay wines, for example.

In France, this grape is mainly located in Alsace, where it covers 23.2% of the planted areas. The Riesling grape is a very cold hardy and not too fond of warm climates grape, which usually adds little flavor to the wine and increases the alcohol level. It owes its success to the wide range of tasty wines that it can produce.


Fruity (lemon, grapefruit, peach, pear, green apple, stewed fruit...) and floral (white flowers, lime, white nettle...), anise, cumin, quince, licorice and fennel. It can have mineral aromas (flint...) as it ages.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Vaccinations and Viral Diseases in Cats

Routine vaccinations can minimize the risks that cats develop serious diseases. The current trend in both humans and animals shows that we are “tired of vaccines”.

Ant that’s mostly because the side effects play an increasingly important role - and rightly so! Especially in cats and dogs, the question arises why the animals must undergo an annual vaccination even though there are already vaccines that ensure a longer immunization (at least in the United States).

Are the vaccines so "bad" or are the pharmaceutical industry and vets all about "making money" from vaccines?

It is known that a vaccine cannot offer 100% protection. Cats need to be vaccinated once a year, at least until the age of six. This way, the risks that a cat develops a viral disease are minimized.

It is up to each keeper to decide whether and how often the animal should be vaccinated. Rabies is the only exception. Rabies can attack and kill unvaccinated cats or cats which were vaccinated more than one year ago. Therefore, the risk of developing rabies should be reduced to zero (it would be nice if this country allowed the three-year vaccine and if the veterinary authorities recognized it). Anyone who wants to take their animal to an animal hotel should have it revaccinated.

Hopefully, something will happen in the next few years and veterinarians will care about the welfare of your four-legged friends more - vaccinations will not be annual anymore and pets will not undergo only a routine annual examination (a nice thought). Of course there is no guarantee this will ever happen...

Warning: Poisonous houseplants

There are plants which can cause serious poisoning in cats in almost every household. Poisonous plants should be removed from your budget. Only Cyprus and green lily grass should remain.

Smokers should be informed that nicotine deposits on the leaves of plants and can cause serious damage to cats if they eat them. Therefore, cat owners who smoke should only do that in open air…
Another thing about poisoning:

Do not waste any time in case you suspect that your cat may be suffering from poisoning and take it to the vet immediately. Do not give it anything.

There are water-soluble and fat-soluble toxins! Remove any poison that may be left on the skin (bathe the cat, wash it with mild shampoo), cut its hair if necessary and take it to the vet. Just make sure that the cat does not lick itself.

If the cat has vomited, take its vomit to the vet so he can quickly determine the type and quantity of poison the cat has ingested if you do not know what the cat has eaten.
picture of cats.
The little "pharmacy"

Drugs used in human medicine can be dangerous for cats. Serious illness, injury and poisoning must be treated by a vet. Nevertheless, it is useful to take some first-aid measures. It is also helpful and useful to have the most important phone numbers to hand - that of the vet, even an emergency number of the poison control center, a taxi number, the animal rescue service number, the fire department number - and a first aid kit.

You should always use sterile gauze bandages for first aid in case of an accident. Elastic bandages can block the blood circulation! If a blood vessel pops, squeeze it and then apply a firm bandage. Press the bandage halfway to the wound.

If a foreign body has been drilling in the cat, pull it out at all costs! Cover the wound with sterile material and try to dampen the excessive bleeding. Take the cat to the vet immediately!

The scissors must have rounded corners.

Tweezers (possibly with a magnifying glass) should be to hand, for example for pulling out glass splinters, thorns or insect stings.

(Normally, the body temperature of the cat is 38 to 39 degrees.) The thermometer should be digital or it should be a baby fever thermometer. Lubricate the hole with Vaseline so that the cat feels more comfortable.
Cats usually do not like tablets, not even with the finest treats such as multi-vitamin paste, meat, veal sausage, butter, etc... You should ask the vet for a liquid product or a tablet that can dissolve in water. You can take a disposable syringe (without a metal needle) and inject the drug in the lateral cheek slowly and carefully.
You should always have dressing material to hand because a cat in pain and panic will certainly answer any well-intentioned help with any available weapons.

Medicines intended for animals must be separated from those intended for people.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Anatomy of the pancreas

The pancreas (pancreas) transverse in the upper abdomen below the stomach and in front of the spine. It reaches from the spleen to the loop of the duodenum.

picture of diabetes.It weighs 60 g to 100, is 15 to 20 cm long, up to 9 cm wide and about 2 cm thick. Over the whole pancreas, the islets of Langerhans are distributed like islands. In these islands the blood sugar-lowering hormone insulin is produced and released into the blood. Among others, these islands produce the hormones glucagon and somatostatin.

The vast majority of the pancreas (about 95%) produces digestive juices (enzymes) that get through a duct into the duodenum
To meet the body's functions such as heartbeat, respiration, and movement, the body needs energy that is produced by the combustion of nutrients. Carbohydrates (sugars) are the main fuels available to quickly and directly increase the body's blood sugar. They come mainly from plant food sources that contain sugar or can be converted to sugar such as starch from potatoes, flour, bread, fruit, vegetables.

Carbohydrates are simple or pure dextrose (glucose) and fruit sugar (fructose). Compound sugars are glucose, maltose and lactose. These are practically equivalent to the artificial sweeteners like sorbitol and xylitol. Grape sugar (glucose) can be introduced into the cell only with the help of insulin.



The hormone insulin plays a central role in human metabolism. Insulin is primarily responsible for the transport of sugar from the blood into the cells, where it is burned for energy.

In addition, insulin also influences the regulation of fat and protein balance. Insulin is produced in the beta cells of islets of Langerhans of the pancreas. The insulin molecule is composed of two chains of amino acids (protein building blocks) consisting of protein. When taken through mouth,  the protein hormone insulin would be digested in the digestive tract and will lose its effect. Therefore, it cannot be taken in pill form. This is usually administered by injection.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Fleas in Cats - Combat Fleas with Frontline

If you have discovered fleas on your cat, then it is high time to combat them. Fleas can transmit diseases, so you should proceed very thoroughly and expeditiously when combating fleas:

Flea pupae can survive for at least 1 year. They are very resilient and cannot be killed by poison sprays!

A female flea lays up to 2,500 eggs within 3 weeks! You must fight cat fleas very quickly and prevent their spreading.

Fleas are active throughout the whole year. Warmer temperatures also provide a better climate for fleas.

In nature, the typical flea season is from late April/early May to late November.

This is a year round problem in heated homes!

You basically have to fight both the adult fleas and their descendants. Only 5% of the flea population consists of adult cat fleas. 95% of the flea population consists of their descendants, which you also have to combat!

Fleas are not very pretentious when choosing their hosts. It often happens that fleas jump from cats to people.

It is absolutely necessary that you also apply tapeworm treatments because cat fleas often transmit diseases!
Two basic approaches have proven to be effective in flea control:
  • Killing the adult animals
  • Prevention of fleas in the future

image of cats.
Flea control with the flea comb


You can get rid of the fleas in the fur of a cat using the flea comb. The comb should be guided through the fur of the cat.
It usually catches some fleas from the fur with its fine teeth. The big black crumbs (flea excrement) are the clearest indication of cat fleas. It is also clear that the cat has fleas when it scratches constantly. Red and moistened crumbs are actually flea dirt.
You can crush the cat fleas when you catch them or you can introduce the paper into the water (they drown).

Flea control with the flea collar


This approximately 35 cm long flea collar is effective and acts against fleas and ticks for about five months.
The collar is treated with the drug Dympilat.
You can find waterproof flea collars with an elongation area and a special closing system.
Cat flea collars are very well rated by Amazon customers, for instance. They are praised in particular for the good fit and their effectiveness in flea control.

Flea control with Frontline Spot On


Frontline Spot On is an effective and reliable protection method against cat fleas. You can find comprehensive information about Frontline Spot On for cats 6 pack on the information page of Frontline.

The opinions of Amazon customers regarding Frontline are divided. Some are very satisfied with the results, while some others claim that they have not got rid of the fleas.

According to the observations of customers, Frontline Spot On takes effect within 24 hours. This effect lasts for up to 4 weeks.

The cats should be kept under observation after the treatment because there can be short-term changes in their behavior.

Prevention measures against cat fleas


Cat fleas lay their eggs on the cat, but then they fall off and are distributed in or in the vicinity of the sleeping place. Therefore, flea eggs can be found everywhere in the apartment and in the car - in the living room, bedroom and even in your bed!

Regular vacuuming is necessary (at least once a day) to ensure that all the flea pupae are eliminated.

You should vacuum everything thoroughly (including pillows, blankets, bedding, upholstered furniture, including sofa crevices, carpet, and the immediate surroundings of the residence and sleeping places of the cat) over a long period of time. You can also use a steam cleaner and throw away the content in a plastic bag. All blankets and washable items should be washed regularly and so should the animals for the flea eggs to be eliminated.

You can also use a flea control fogger in case of massive infestation of the home. This is an agent that prevents the flea larvae from developing in the carpet

Friday, November 4, 2011

Sexy carnival costume: a selection

Sexy halloween costumes provide countless opportunities for creative styling and provide the perfect party fun.

There are plenty of carnival costumes to choose from.

At carnival, everything is permitted, this is an old carnival wisdom. This of course applies especially in relation to the choice of costumes. Sexy Halloween costumes offer the opportunity to step into other roles once. Basically, you can choose various costumes for the party. It may not always be the bunny look, a sexy bee costume or a Snow White costume. Sexy Halloween costumes need to have the following basics: a short skirt or shorts, tights and glamorous makeup. Your imagination knows no boundaries with the selection of sexy costumes. Carnival is virtually unlimited.

For the Friends of Dracula

The vamp is the classic sexy costumes and can be styled individually. Here, the black and red colors dominate in combination with big hair and red lips for the outfit. The vampire teeth, which are available in different variants, are used.

The costume can be worn very well with torn tights and the attachable devil horns which will provide the finishing touch. Very sexy costume can also be witch, the gangster or pirate bride.
A sexy costume will make you look good at the party.

image of costumes.
Innocent and sexy

Sexy Halloween costumes always give charming and delightful effect. Just remind yourself of your favorite fairy tales and conquer the hearts as Snow White, Sleeping Beauty or Little Red Riding Hood.

A successful performance is guaranteed with the fairy costume, which can be worn with sexy accessories. You are guaranteed to be the focus  if you have the nun costume because of the combination of mini skirt and sexy nun's veil. You can also sparkle in an angel costume. You can radiate completely in gold or white.

Sexy Halloween costumes need not to be expensive. The sexy schoolgirl look is found in every wardrobe and something which could be more convincing than an individually styled outfit.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Kitchen Equipment Fine chefs knife is what matters the most

 To ensure that the work in the kitchen (kitchen knives) is quick and easy, good equipment is essential. You should have respect and have different models on hand especially when it comes to quality knife.

Chef's knife must be sharpened

A kitchen knife is not just a practical item, but it belongs to the basic equipment of every kitchen. This goes for restaurants as for the household.

A clear criterion for quality is the ability of the blades to be reground. This is done with so-called grinding steel. Although the acquisition of good knives and a good grinding steel is not necessarily. But choosing this means that you will have equipment good for the rest of your life.

image blade.
Cheap knives can get dull quickly.

The temptation is certainly great to acquire a set of chef's knife a few Euros only. This is such a worthwhile purchase for a while. These knives have very poor quality. This is evident especially because they already truncated after a few cuts. Even with a good grinding. This cannot reach the optimum sharpness and reliability.

Dispose of these poor quality knives and get the best set. This creates a vicious cycle that you can stop only through the purchase of really high-quality knife sets.

The use of different diameters

The star chefs and private man know that you should cut meat in the direction of the fiber, so you do not tear it. Unfortunately, one can destroy the flesh with a dull and cheap kitchen. A good chef's knife can be recognized. The one that cuts in motion and without pressure from the meat, can slide with simple is considered to be of good quality.

In addition to the "all-round knife," a vegetable peeler should not be missing. With it, you can peel vegetable thinly. This is especially important because most of the valuable nutrients are just under the skin. You make sure to dispose only the unnecessary part of vegetables.

Also useful is a small cleaver. It helps when cutting large pieces of meat or the cutting of bone. An ordinary knife is not suitable especially in the latter application. The increased risk of injury by slipping a knife can also be decreased this way.

A small knife for everyday tasks such as rapid cutting of potatoes or other vegetables is very popular these days. Herbs can be gently and quickly chopped with a chopping knife.


A good chef's knife has a price, it will never change unfortunately. But once you have these already you can have them for a lifetime. The quality of such knives ensures speedy and hassle-free food preparation in the kitchen.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Popular Child Halloween Costumes - The Story of Dracula

Vampires have been called the rulers of the night for a long time, but common people usually describe them as clumsy stupid bloodsuckers. The difference was made by the young Dr. John Polidori, who re-wrote a short story by Lord Byron without knowing. The story sprang from those convivial nights when the story of "Frankenstein" was told the first time and the nightly rounds of showers were introduced.

The vampire

picture of costume.
Secretly, however, Byron's personal physician Polidori wrote the story almost completely, giving it the title "The Vampire". The 20-page story was about an attractive aristocratic vampire full of charm and intellect which was part of the London high society. Lord Byron was parodied by the vampire Lord Ruthven and an unauthorized book was published in the New Monthly Magazine in 1819. This book became an instant bestseller. The work was attributed to Lord Byron, so its real author remained unknown. John William Polidori died of natural causes in August 1821 at the age of 25. The rumor that Polidori had poisoned himself with cyanide because of depression and gambling debts still travels today.
The triumph of the elegant vampire was unstoppable. In France, a two-volume serial novel ("Lord Ruthven ou les vampires") and numerous plays followed (by Alexandre Dumas, for instance). The successful continuation novel, "Varney, the Vampire or The Feast of Blood", already contained many elements that later on appeared in "Dracula".

Inspired by a dream

The "Dracula" novel was inspired by a dream that Bram Stoker had on March, 7, 1890. In his dream, young women kissed him on the neck. He suffered from fear of death until an angry old Graf appeared. "This man is mine!" He began to take notes about shipwrecks and folklore. Thus, he also took notes about the Wallachian nicknamed Dracula and the campaigns of Vlad the Impellor against the Turks.
He collected stories and facts for a horror story, but they did not match. Being an assistant and manager of the famous Henry Irving, Stoker only had short breaks at his disposal to work on his notes. Spending his summer holidays in Whitby, on the northeast coast of Scotland, he was inspired by the Slains Castle. This was the inspiration for the Dracula Castle. Accordingly, he started presenting Romania and Count Vlad Dracula.

The classic Dracula

The classic Dracula outfit has style. Evening wear is called for. What you need is a raincoat with a silly-up collar and a bright red interior. But would a century-old, venerable Romanian noble family dress like that? Probably yes. Thanks to movies like the new version of Dracula by Coppola and Anne Rice's cycle “Interview with a Vampire”, an elegant evening dress is also an appropriate outfit. Of course, accessories such as cylinders or sunglasses are also mandatory.
Moreover, here is a rule of thumb: Look out for your teeth. The picture of ill-fitting teeth landing in the bowl is quite terrifying. Giant plastic teeth can also cause a pronounced speech problem and make sucking more difficult.
Behave! A vampire descends from an ancient, Romanian noble family and not from the Gummy Bears family. You can afford a slightly eccentric trick like a twitching left eye or a strange gesture! You can also try to speak with an accent. If you sound more like an exiled Russian, that's okay. No one will notice anyway. And wise guys are usually not invited to parties anyway.
Of course you do not have to think of the elegant dress code and have a childs knight costume rather than a vampire one. You can also dress up as a teenage vampire living in the streets, like the one in "Near Dark". But be prepared to be kicked out from the party if you drool all over the guests and babble about all kinds of stupid things. Frankenstein is also an option. It just isn’t for you.


There are many more and less successful films about Dracula. One of the best is "Nosferatu - Symphony of Horror", which was released in 1922. The name of the Count was changed in order to circumvent the copyrights and the action was moved from London to Bremen, but this implementation followed the Roman model very closely. The first film under the name "Dracula" (with the legendary Bela Lugosi in the leading role) was released in 1933. There are many crossover films like "The House of Frankenstein" (1944) and "Abbott & Costello Meet Frankenstein" (1948). But the brightly colored films of the legendary Hammer Studios, such as "Horror of Dracula" (1958), "Dracula - Prince of Darkness" and "Blood for Dracula" released in 1965 with Christopher Lee as Dracula set new standards. The last influential film is closely linked to the original set of tags based on Francis Ford Coppola’s films, with Gary Oldman starring as a particularly fine spiritual, melancholic Dracula.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Roulette Game and Strategies

Roulette is a very exciting and especially attractive casino game where the winner is designated by an ivory ball. The roulette wheel is divided into slots numbered from 0 to 36. This article gives you all the information and practices that will help you boost your chances of winning at casino games, especially at no zero roulette. You cannot ignore the game of roulette legitimately if you love casino games. It is a very addictive and exciting game, allowing any player to make a bet on one number with the hope and belief that it will be a winning bet. Here you will find all the rules of play in roulette, the history of this game of chance and the tricks that can help you win.

Learning roulette

General information about the roulette game

First of all, you should know that there are more roulette variants: French roulette or American roulette. In brief, it is a casino game where the winning player is designated by an ivory ball which lands on one of the thirty-seven numbers on the wheel, which is divided into numbered squares. This is the definition of the French roulette game.

If you want to make a comparison with another game, then think about the game of ball. The points of resemblance between the two games start with the fixed wheel.

picture of roulette online.
In order to be able to assess all the issues of the game of roulette, you have to understand the meaning and importance of this game. Therefore, it is useful to learn more about the history of the game of roulette. This game is said to have appeared in Italy in the seventeenth century. Roulette then reached the French territory in the early eighteenth century and then became a necessity in Monaco, more specifically in Monte Carlo, being designated the "queen" of European casinos. If you are keen on mathematics, you have probably heard about the famous Blaise Pascal, who is actually the distinguished inventor of the roulette wheel. There is obviously a link between mathematics and the roulette game in that roulette combines the randomness of any game of chance and a scholarly methodology that allows players to focus on practical tips and a roulette strategy in order to win. Blaise Pascal created the wheel in his attempt to achieve a perpetual motion mechanically.

It was not an instrument of play initially but it was going to become very soon thanks to the brothers Louis and Francois Blanc, who changed the functionality of the wheel and thus made this game popular among gamblers and casinos. How did this change take place? The White brothers added 0 to the numbers on the roulette wheel, which had a significant impact because there were 37 numbers now, which increased the chances of winning (for players and gamblers). But it was not until the nineteenth century that the roulette reached the American territory and the double 0 was introduced.

French roulette uses 37 numbers. The other roulette games, especially American "roulette", differ from French roulette only from certain points of view. For instance, the number of players accepted at the roulette table is smaller. As for American roulette, the difference lies in the numbers printed on the wheel, there being an additional "double zero".

The various parts of the wheel

First of all, there is the rotating cylinder, which is called a "wheel". Inside this cylinder, there is a circular plate which rotates around its axis. This plate is encrusted in a sort of wooden bowl. There are slots numbered from 0 to 36 on the wheel and they are successively colored red and black, except for the zero slot, which is green.
The player follows the ball as it jumps around in the cylinder. In fact, the dealer throws the ball and the only way you can win the jackpot is if you believe in your chances of guessing the slot where it lands.
This is a game table which is played with bets. You can bet either on the numbers on the wheel or on the colors.

You will also have chips called "tokens", which equal the debt you have to return to the casino.
There are numerous winning bids in the roulette game and the most coveted one is that on zero because the payout in case of a win is 36 times the bet. More generally, you can focus on a single number and you can earn up to 35 times the original bet.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

How to Learn to Ride a Horse

Riding a horse is one of the most enjoyable experiences you can have. There is something special about horseback riding that is unparalleled in any other sport or outdoor activity. Perhaps it is the connection the rider has with the horse, or the great outdoors but no matter what it is horseback riding is fun. It is not hard to learn how to ride a horse, but it does take some training. You can learn yourself by trial and error, but you’ll have a richer experience and better connection with the animal if you seek out instruction. There are several ways you can pursue how to learn to ride a horse. You can go to a riding stable, a horse farm, ask a friend who is experienced or take at home learning courses offered on the internet or in books. One on one or group lessons are the best as they give you hands on experience.
image of hastgard.If you don’t own your own horse, the riding stable or horse farm you select may have gentle horses for you to learn on. Make sure they know you’re a novice and just starting out, as there are course levels from beginner to advanced, so they can get you in the right class. Once you learn the basics you can move onto more advanced trails and learn some of the really fun things like jumping. It is best to learn to ride on a horse farm or at a riding stable. They will pair you with the right horse and take you step by step on the proper way to mount and control your horse. There are many horse farms in the UK, Europe, Canada and the United States. A search on the internet will probably turn up several for your area.
One of the first things you’ll need is proper attire and equipment. Riding outfits can be found at horse farms like Hastgard and online. Next you’ll need a saddle and tack. If you’re not sure what to buy, ask your instructor for recommendations. Some riding schools may even have equipment you can rent. Be sure you buy a helmet. A helmet will protect your head in case you do fall off your horse or have an unforeseen accident. Always wear boots or shoes that have a low heel. This will make using the stirrups much easier. Never wear flip flops or sandals as they will not give your feet adequate protection. Sneakers are okay in a pinch, but footwear made for horseback riding are the best.
Once you’re geared up and ready to mount the horse there’s a few things to keep in mind. Never approach a horse from behind, always approach a horse from the sides to he will be able to see you. You might want to use a mounting block at first so you can get up on the horse easily. Have your instructor hold the horse’s head and mount it from the left side. This is the traditional side to mount from. Once you’re up on your horse, you’re ready to learn the age old sport of horseback riding. How to learn to ride a horse can be an enjoyable experience if you choose the right horse farm or riding stable, have the right gear, and most important relax and have fun.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

DerDieDas Backpacks – Extra Light, Yet Versatile

Parents who go on the search for a schoolbag for the start of school together with their child should be careful and choose very light models because the school supplies, like books and everything that the child has to carry with them to school every day are very heavy.

A further increase in weight of an already heavy backpack rests the child's back and should therefore be avoided. The DerDieDas schoolbag is a very good choice. This brand has specialized in lightweight backpacks and not burdening the backs of children starting school. There are three different models of DerDieDas schoolbags available on the market, each with its own advantages.


There is the "flyweight" model, which is very light weighing only 850 grams. This model has a full storage volume of 20 liters and provides space for everything the child needs at school. In addition to this, this satchel is ergonomically shaped, which ultimately means that the back side is extra padded and that the straps also have a cushion and are individually adjustable. The "flyweight" model even achieved an impressive score of 2.4 on a test carried out in 2009, the best score of all the brands tested on that occasion.

XS Flyweight 

The second model the DerDieDas brand offers is the "XS flyweight" model. This backpack is also very light weighing only 800 grams and is slightly smaller than the "flyweight" model. It has a capacity of 18 liters, but is still large enough to store all the school supplies. A carrying handle and other additional parts have been omitted in this simple schoolbag model for its weight to be very low.
image of bag.
X Light

The "X Light" model is the largest DerDieDas model available on the market. It has a capacity of 23 liters and is perfectly suited for a full schedule with lots of books. Thus, an extensive breakfast can also fit in this satchel. Despite the relatively large volume, the "X Light" model is still really lightweight. It weighs only 900 grams and is therefore the perfect companion for the beginning of school.


The DerDieDas models can only be bought from a bags shop in sets. This means that the buyer does not buy only the schoolbag, but also a sports bag for all the sports equipment, a money bag for the first pocket money and a pencil case. The set also includes a full pencil case, with high-quality Staedler pencils. So DerDieDas is the perfect partner when it comes to complete sets that make the school year especially beautiful and easy.

The schoolbag and the accessories offered by DerDieDas come in different designs that are perfect for both girls and boys. You can choose exactly what you wish for from cool car themes from pirate scenes to very girlish figures like horses or beautiful flowers. Children will always find the DerDieDas schoolbags extremely appealing from a visual point of view. Therefore, the school year will be much more fun and their back will be as healthy as it can be.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Talk or sing? That is the question for cockatiels

Talents are now distributed at different times. This is no different in cockatiels. Although generally great potential is  present in these animals, you  cannot teach anyone to speak. The ability to imitate human sounds, sentences or entire songs and whistling, is highly different. While some cockatiels may learn only one or two words and melodies , some cando better at imitating, and others are little chatterboxes. Not infrequently it happens that males are more talented than females. To promote the voice talents of your cockatiel, you should avoid playing with him. With the joy of it, the level of success is faster. If you put your bird on the other hand under pressure, he loses confidence in you and will retreat.
image of bird.
Practice only in a playful mood

If you want to teach your cockatiel to talk, you can do the best in the evening and in a quiet environment. In addition, you should make sure that the lighting is not too bright. If the cockatiel is in playful mood, you take him on the finger, hold it at eye level and speak slowly before the word or phrase that the little egghead is to learn. The words that will be repeated to the cockatiel and you should use a high voice and say the words a little louder. Smile with him so your little friend realizes that the whole thing is a game.

If he repeats something, you should give your cockatiel praise enthusiastically. That's what he likes. It is advantageous if the words, he should learn have the A-or I sounds, such as Hansi and Mousie. The bird can learn these very easily. This makes it easier for your feathered friend if you insert the words situational. For example, you come into the living room in the morning and want your cockatiel to wish you a "good morning," and then he will eventually put those words in connection with the situation. Patience is extremely important during the exercises. You should use the word repeated as often as possible, but be careful nonetheless not to overtax your favorite friend.

Surprises are possible

Marvel not if your protege says something completely different than what you have taught him. Cockatiels often take sounds from the environment, which they know that their holders responded. You bird could say its name or your friend's name. Also good, right? True voice talents are not only able to imitate sounds and words, they even recognize how they are used by their people accordingly. So there are birds, who give the energetic demand: "Hansi wants to play!" I wonder if a cockatiel is a voice talent, never knowing at the beginning. Do not be sad, but if your little friend never talks, he  eventually has to offer much more than a few words.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Wirecard Prepaid Trio CreditCard

Wirecard Prepaid Trio is a package which consists of a credit, a checking account and a prepaid Maestro card. The product is called Trio since it comprises of 3 different cards. Customers of legal age may opt for the product, which is available without proof of income or credit checks.
Here are the key advantages of Wirecard Prepaid Trio
  • No rejection
  • No income verification required
  • No credit check
  • An account maintenance fee of 9.90 euro per month
  • More than 24 million acceptance locations worldwide
  • More than 800000 ATMs available
  • Online banking option
  • High security
  • High cost transparency
  • 3 products offered simultaneously
  • No debt because everything is done on a credit basis (prepaid) so you will use prepaid credit cards

The Wirecard Prepaid Trio offers its many target groups the opportunity to apply for an all-rounder product. Even people who would otherwise have no credit card because of their professional status have the opportunity to get the same three products. The Prepaid Trio product is aimed particularly at students, apprentices and unemployed. Self-employed people can also benefit from this product, as well as self-employed people and pensioners. No proof of income is required, as the credit card is offered on a credit basis, so it is prepaid.

Used worldwide

The Wire Card Prepaid Trio credit card is accepted everywhere in the world. There are over 24 million locations where it can be used in total. The credit card can be used with more than 800,000 ATMs. Moreover, it is important to know where you can pay using your credit card.

image of credit card.Cost and safety

Wirecard Prepaid Trio customers get a prepaid credit card and a checking account, as well as a prepaid Maestro card. The account management fee is 9.90 euro per month. In addition to this, there is a one-time setup fee of 39 euro per trio product. Overall, the cost of the product can be described as clear and very transparent. The individual cost and the account itself can be easily managed through the internet. The operation is very simple. If you decide in favor of this product, you can also conclude this directly via the internet so that the card is available quickly.

There is highly-performing management software for online banking customers. This software enable customers to view the payment summary. An IBAN code is provided to the customer for international transfers of money. An eTan generator ensures that safety is further increased.

The purpose of the Wirecard Prepaid Trio

Customers do not have to pay with cash, but can use their credit card due to the fact that there are more than 24 million acceptance locations in the entire. The card can be used to pay bills at the hotel. Even meals in restaurants can be paid using a credit card. Bills at shops or even at the supermarket and the hardware store are not a problem for the Wirecard Prepaid Trio credit card.

Rental cars and bills at the gas station can also be paid with this prepaid credit card. Customers have the advantage that they do not need extra money in any other currency. They can use the money on the prepaid credit card without any problems, for example, without carrying the local currency with them.

Fee table

Charging the Visa Card does not imply any costs for the customer. The customer can also make payments in euro and not only without being retained any money. A fee of 15 euro is perceived for the eTan euro generator and, in addition to this, a fee of 25 euro is perceived for the account management software.

Target groups of the product

The target group of the product is mainly customers who would not get a credit by other means. A credit card is recommended, for example, when booking a hotel. Customers should be able to book the hotel without problems and should also be charged with no problems. The credit should always be high enough so that the bills can be paid because a loan for the card is not approved. Therefore, the customer also has the advantage that they cannot get into debt.

Those who travel abroad and spend their holidays abroad can achieve a lot with the Wirecard Prepaid Trio product. The prepaid Visa card should be pre-charged so that there is enough money on it to pay the hotel and the various other bills. This leads to the bottom line that the entire holiday can be paid without the need for ever greater amounts of cash. Then there is the advantage that less money needs to be carried in the local currency. This means that the fees with currency exchange are waived.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Online Casino Reviews A Mega Profitable Casino Called Winner Casino

Opened a few months ago, Winner Casino has become one of the top online casinos which work with the software provider Playtech very quickly. As the name suggests, this page aims at providing profits for its customers and players. The site is clear and simple in design and layout, but it is also very simple to navigate. The red and white font color on black background pages, along with clear information about casino news and tips and strategies make it easy to navigate by players. Over 100 different games are offered, all made by Playtech, which means that you do not need to thinking about security, long delays in building the website or system crashes. But you already know.

Image of online casino reviews.To put it briefly, its goal is to always provide an objective report on an online casino and this newcomer really impresses from this point of view. You should read these online casino reviews and try a visit to the casino in the end because it is worth it. Best casino promotions are offered also.

Casino gaming options & layout

As we mentioned before, Winner Casino offers more than 100 different games, ranging from favorites such as Blackjack, slots and roulette to the rather less well-known games such as pontoon and explains you the rules and strategies of the games it offers. The site also offers Casino Hold'em Poker for all the die-hard fans among you. More poker games are available on the website of Winner Casino.

The software at Casino Winner is made by Playtech, which you can notice immediately after downloading the software. The installation process takes less than two minutes, so you can focus without much delay on the main focus of the casino, namely playing and winning. The casino games to be accessed through the casino software platform load quickly and there are no system crashes. This is probably one of the reasons why five of the largest online casinos have a Playtech software platform, including Titan, Europa Casino and others.


Image of best casino promotions.The promotions and bonuses offered at Winner Casino are nearly identical to those offered by the majority of online casinos operating on the Internet. They are outstanding and provide a lot of motivation for players. You get a welcome bonus of up to 1,000 USD on your first deposit, but this is spread over several months. Other bonuses may be collected through the use of various payment options or for example by sharing the website with a friend.

Winner Casino also offers a VIP card, which is offered in six different stages. The rewards are different depending on the attained level of loyalty. You get bonuses, weekly promotions and you get better access to live tournaments and competition points, which you can also exchange for cash later on. Indeed, best casino promotions can be given for you just like what had been stated at online casino reviews.

Customer service

As with most of its competitors, Winner Casino has a customer service hotline via telephone, fax and email which can be reached 24/7. Players can turn to the friendly and competent staff when they have questions and concerns about player accounts, games and technical problems.

The section of frequently asked questions at Winner Casino is among the best on the Internet. This page really answers questions in advance, without wasting your time or you having to contact the customer service.

Fair play & security

Most new players raise the legitimate question of what happens to the personal details and whether the financial transactions are actually safe. The players can stay calm from this point of view, too. Winner Casino uses the standard 128bit to 256bit SSL encryption in the digital industry, which ensures that the information cannot be read by third parties. Monthly audits also ensure a high level of fair play with the casino games offered by Casino Winner.

Payment options

Casino Winner makes playing easy. More than 30 different payment options are available, including all major credit cards, eWallets and services such as Moneybookers or Western Union. All, except bank transfers, allow you to start playing immediately.

Language options

The software platform is available in five different languages: English, German, Spanish, French and Russian.


Is Casino Winner the winner? According to this assessment - two thumbs up!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Divorce Legal Advice

Should you be living outside of England and Wales when your marriage breaks down and a divorce situation arises there will be the question of whether a divorce petition can be issued in the English courts. The same question will be asked by those who now live in England and Wales, but were married elsewhere. The English legal system will be much more convenient and certainly quicker and cheaper than using the court system of the country where you are living. In many instances expats would anyway be prevented from doing so. A word of warning however, there are limitations on what can be ordered through the English court system. Any foreign owned property will not come under the jurisdiction of the English courts. A divorce court therefore cannot make orders in respect of family assets outside of the country unless the other party is in agreement. This means that, for instance, the Court cannot order that a house in France be transferred to one particular party if this is disputed. Ownership would have to be dealt with by a French lawyer, which would of course involve additional cost. You have to consult a lawyer to know about divorce legal advice. It is also helpful if you can visit

Image of divorce legal advice.The first and most important question to be answered is where you are 'domiciled'. Domicile is a legal term, which considers a number of factors including where you were born, where you are living now and your intentions for the future. This will be the deciding factor when deciding whether the UK court can grant a divorce. Residence and domicile are not the same thing. You can well be a resident and have lived in Spain for many years but still be domiciled in the UK. The jurisdiction of the Court will not be questioned in the vast majority of cases. Domicile can be a rather obscure legal concept but basically means that you have retained a legal connection and fixed intention to return to your country of domicile. It is determined primarily by intent. A good indication can be where a person registers to vote. The basic principle is that a person acquires the country of domicile from their father. In certain circumstances, it is sometimes possible for an individual to change their country of domicile, if they change the place they regard as their permanent home, although this requires more than merely relocating to another country. Domicile is not the same as nationality or residence. Whilst an individual can be resident in two countries at one time, one cannot be domiciled in two countries at any given time. As you cannot have domicile in more than one country, your domicile in England and Wales will not usually be questioned unless you have relinquished your domicile by taking out foreign citizenship or naturalization or off cutting all ties with England and having the intention to remain in your chosen country for the rest of your days Therefore in most circumstances anyone originally from England or Wales can use the English Courts, on the basis that they are 'domiciled' in the UK. These people may also visit yo have more tips regarding divorce legal advice.

The House of Lords has said that the test to be applied by divorce judges should be, "was the connection with England of the petitioner sufficiently close to make it desirable that our courts should have jurisdiction to dissolve the marriage." As long as an English court is satisfied that England is the Petitioner's 'home country' and he has not 'abandoned' his home country then the court can deal with a divorce, even in cases where someone has lived abroad for many years. It has been known for some judges to query a divorce, at the Decree Nisi stage, on the grounds of domicile, where there is a suspicion that the petitioner has 'relinquished their domicile', and formed an intention to spend the rest of their days in their adopted country i.e. that the party has relinquished their 'domicile of origin', and adopted a 'domicile of choice'. If this should happen the judge will require the petitioner to file further evidence of domicile before the decree nisi can be pronounced. In the vast majority of cases however the jurisdiction of the court will not be questioned. Remember that the law in England and Wales is different from the law in Scotland. If you and your spouse, or one of you, consider yourself to be Scottish citizens, you both normally live in Scotland, have lived in Scotland during the marriage and have a stronger connection with Scotland than with England; it could well be that you will have to present your divorce petition to a Scottish court.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Protein Supplements for Muscles

With an abundance of different types of proteins and supplements cluttering grocery store shelves and website offerings, understanding which protein is best for specific goals can seem overwhelming. For muscle building hopefuls, choosing a protein supplement or source can be vital to one's success, and making the distinction from one type to the other is even more important. The amino acids that are linked together, forming a chain, are also known as protein and are an imperative source of nitrogen within the muscles. Without the nitrogen contained within amino acids in proteins, the body could not repair itself after strenuous workouts. Difficult workouts provoke a need for recovery as the muscles are broken down in order to be rebuilt, bigger and better. Without the amino acids in protein, the body cannot perform the repairs necessary to see results and increase bulk.

image of supplements.A diet that does not contain enough protein can result in the body using muscle to supply the amino acids necessary for repairs, resulting in muscle loss rather than increase. In addition to eating enough protein, consuming the nutrient frequently and during periods when the body is particularly taxed is an important consideration for those looking to bulk up. Distinguishing between the two types of existing proteins can be an important differentiation for weight trainers. While complete proteins contain all of the amino acids within a chain, incomplete protein does not contain all of the essential amino acids. While complete proteins are comprised of foods like chicken, beef and eggs, foods from plant sources are often incomplete sources of protein.

Protein sources and the accompanying benefits are abundant in the varieties offered. From soy to whey to animal protein, including a variety of different sources can be more helpful than sticking to one monochromatic option. Whey shakes may work for those in a rush or enduring time constraints and hectic schedules. On the other hand, animal protein sources may be a better choice for another situation.

Different sources of protein offer differing chains of amino acids, which can be a beneficial aspect for those looking to bulk up. While whey protein lends itself well to recovery periods, meat sources of protein are particularly effective at building bulk. Including a variety of the different types can result in an overall improvement and muscle building. Instead of focusing on sticking to one source of protein, weight trainers should switch their attention to the amount of protein consumed.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Simple Baby Toys

The hearing of a baby's heartbeat is a supreme experience. You can probably hardly deny that special fragrance if you were just close enough. Once a young woman has held her little creature in her arms, she will long for her little baby almost automatically. So it is not surprising that - if you ask the parents - you are always told that they most beautiful baby in the world is theirs. Anyone expecting a baby for the first time needs the most complete baby equipment, as well as guidance on the things the baby needs and enjoys most.

Image of simple baby toys.But with all the amenities, one should not forget that babies love to play. There is no inappropriate time to buy baby toys. Sure, a newborn cannot really play with the simple baby toys, but they can listen to a music box or watch a mobile.

So you can get such baby toys even before the birth of the new world citizen. Soon after, the baby will want baby toys that can make sounds (such as a rattle) or that stimulate their senses with sounds, smells or bright colors. The toys should not have sharp edges or be made of small parts of course for the little one not to swallow a baby toy.

You should pay special attention to the quality of the baby toys. However, there are so many great brands oriented towards this market segment. Wooden toys for children are available with Haba or Selecta for instance.

Buying simple baby toys is fun, but one should not forget the responsibility either. Which baby toy is the right one?

There is a big, bewildering selection of baby toys on the baby toy market. Young parents often ask then "What baby toys should I buy?" Baby toys should stimulate the baby’s senses with visual stimuli, strong odors, colors and sounds. They should not have sharp edges or small components because babies tend to put everything in their mouth and such toys can be dangerous.

There are some restrictions when it comes to chemical baby toys, such as the ban on PVC baby toys. A baby usually stops putting everything in their mouth at the age of about three years. Furthermore, children often feel strange-tasting synthetic flavors, which are repellent for us adults to be very interesting. Therefore, parents can always rely on wooden toys for children. But they should bear in mind the fact that bacteria can penetrate in natural surfaces. It is therefore important that the wooden toys - especially those for babies – are washed now and then and then left to dry thoroughly.

Then there are baby toys made of plush fabric. These also have advantages and disadvantages. An important advantage would be that you can often simply throw these plush animals in the washing machine and thus clean them of dirt, bacteria and other unwanted marks. The disadvantage is that plush and stuffed animals wear down sooner or later. So consider this when buying them. The cry is usually high when the favorite stuffed animal is missing some of its component parts. Therefore, it might be a good idea to get a second replacement animal from the very beginning. Do not let them in the closet until the first one is broken because a 1-year-old child is ready to love their animal in any conditions. Better give both animals alternately so that you have a little more time to wash the beloved animals.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Motion Sickness in Dogs

The medical term of 'motion sickness' covers road, air or sea sickness and refers to the reaction of people and animals to unfamiliar, passive movements, when in a car, on a plane or on a boat. Therefore, it is sickness caused by movements.

Causes of motion sickness:

There are two main causes of motion sickness in dogs, which influence each other and can take different dimensions:

- Passive movement

- Fear of transport

Image of motion sickness.The organ of balance in the inner ear is responsible for perceiving and processing the movements of the body. Originally, this organ was designed to register the movement on foot. But if the body accelerates without being active, the organ of balance perceives this as a kind of illusion and therefore becomes sensitive. Thus, the autonomic nervous system is irritated and the "movement disorder" occurs = motion sickness is caused. This effect is amplified when unfamiliar stimuli act (e.g. car, air or maritime travel) or if the visual stimuli are not the same with the ones acting on the vestibular system (e.g. if an animal is in its kennel, it cannot see the movement of the vehicle, but it can feel it).

However, travel anxiety is caused by a lack of experience or by bad experiences. Moreover, the uncertainty of foreign sounds, smells and nausea frighten the animal. The car may remind a puppy of the moment when it was separated from its mother and siblings or its familiar environment – this is a frightening experience so it is not surprising if it associates it with driving. The fear of travel sickness is intensified as these fears have a direct influence on the kinetosis.

Symptoms of motion sickness

The classic image of motion sickness is shaped by anxious behavior, nausea and vomiting. The following symptoms are the most frequently encountered while driving:

- Increased panting, trembling, salivation

- Hiding

- Barking, whining

- Urine, defecation

Treatment of travel sickness

Image of motion sickness.It is best to get the dogs used to the car ride already as puppies (early habituation). You should try to leave the animal in the car with the engine romping for a while or play with it in the car and then it will be much easier for you to take it on car rides with you in the future. The puppy should be handled extremely carefully when traveling to their new home if they get another owner, whether they are taken by car or not, because the separation from the mother and siblings is difficult enough, so there should be a lot of encouragement, no door slamming, no crying or shouting or sudden acceleration, no distractions and longer trips should contain short breaks. The little one learns to be as relaxed and stress free as possible when travelling by car.

The dog must be trained to cope with the car before going on a trip. The principle is based on a classical counter-conditioning. That means that the dog should be accustomed to uncomfortable driving but also with pleasant experiences until it learns that travelling by car is great. Depending on the seriousness of the case, the dog should be rewarded if it dares to get near the car.

If this works smoothly, the next step is to take it in automotive interiors. If the animal accepts the whereabouts in a relaxed way, then it should also be fed inside the car. Less greedy animals can have a bowl of food in the car or a nice place to cuddle. Whatever you do, it is very important that the animal is never overwhelmed, that you never get impatient when the dog shows discomfort or even fear and that the training session is canceled and taken up again the next day with extreme care.

Next, the dog should be accustomed to the place the vehicle it shall sit in while travelling (e.g. back seat, combi boot, shipping box). The doors should then be closed gradually, take your place behind the wheel, start the engine and eventually start to move. All these should be done gradually in order to prevent relapse.

This counter-conditioning deprives the dog of the fear of driving, and slowly increasing travel time gives the animal the opportunity to get used to the passive movement.

You can give the animal an anti-emetic (= remedy for nausea and vomiting), especially the first few times. There are sprays that contain the so-called “dog appeasing pheromone”, which remove the fear very quickly. The mother dog should calm its pups by feeding them breast milk. Thus, it shows the puppies that they need not have any fear, that everything is in order and also gives them the opportunity to smell something familiar. This effect is now possible with synthetic pheromones.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Casino Games-All About Poker Free Roll

Poker is a very famous family of card games. A lot of people like to play offline poker for fun. But online poker also gives an opportunity to play with other people for free. You can find special poker tournaments - freerolls. Freerolls are absolutely free. Everybody can participate in a freeroll. Why freerolls are free? Poker rooms always attract new players. They give you an opportunity to test your skills in freerolls and then to play real money casino games if your skills are good enough. Freeroll is a special promotion. Freerolls help poker rooms to get players. That's why you can participate in freerolls without a fee.

Image of casino games.Image of casino games.Why are freerolls are so popular? They give some advantages for new poker players. You can make a minimum required deposit and play freerolls as much as you want. They give you an opportunity to understand poker mechanisms. They give you real poker practice. Such practice can be of great importance. If you are a beginner you need to get valuable information about the game of poker. Freerolls can help you to get this information. Freerolls can help you to develop your own strategy. Develop your own strategy as you play casino games.

Every poker player starts his poker career from playing freerolls. There is one important question: where to play freerolls? I can advice to look for good and well known poker rooms. Such poker rooms offer many freerolls and you will be able to get a good prize. If you play freerolls in a small and unknown poker room you must understand that there might be problems with cash outs. I know many players who could not withdraw their money from small poker rooms. Only well known poker rooms can give you quality poker service.

Freerolls are special tournaments. You must have your own strategy to win freeroll. The best advice is not to be afraid. People like to play freerolls with friends for fun. That is you have good chances to win. Your goal is to win the tournament. And there is only one way to win - you must build a very big stack. That's why you must go "All-In" with any ace. Do not be afraid. It is poker. Of course freeroll strategy is not so simple. But the main idea of any freeroll strategy is to build a big stack. It is impossible to get big stack without taking risk. When you play freerolls you must remember that your goal is not to survive, your goal is to win.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Vegetable and Animal Protein

Vegetable protein

Although it was first claimed that vegetable protein is less important than animal protein, research has shown the contrary, vegetable proteins having some very important advantages: vegetable protein is more digestible when eating less fat. Also, vegetable protein contains little or no purine (uric acid).

This acid can easily lead to the acidification of the body and therefore may cause symptoms like listlessness, fatigue, loss of appetite or weakened immune systems and also plays a role in the development of gout.

The value of plant proteins

In the nutrition science, how valuable a nutrient is for the organism is measured by how well the protein from food is converted into body protein. Since animal proteins are more similar to the body proteins, the body converts from 80 to 100% of them, while only 60 to 70% of vegetable proteins are converted. This means that 100 g of vegetable protein can produce between 60 and 70 grams of endogenous protein.
However, this value does not take into account other good properties of vegetable protein:

Vegetable protein-rich foods are low in fat and therefore contain fewer calories.

Vegetable protein has no purine. Purine leads to acidification and has unpleasant consequences.

Vegetable protein from the body is recycled more easily, thus not burdening the organism and its digestion.

Plant foods with protein content

Protein is available in various plant foods with different interests and different usability.
  • Yeast (fresh)
  • Protein content: 17%
  • Bioavailability: 69%

Protein content: 31%

Bioavailability: 72%

Protein content: 24%

Bioavailability: 30%
Wheat flour

Protein content: 10%

Bioavailability: 35%

Protein: 2%

Bioavailability: 67%
Protein from soy products is especially good, but caution is required as soy can trigger allergies. Also, cow's milk allergy sufferers often have problems with high-quality sources of protein. Those who want to eat vegan food have a good substitute for animal protein in soybeans and soy products.

Animal protein

The human body requires the formation of 20 amino acids from endogenous protein. However, it can produce only half of them. The other amino acids are included in the diet. Animal protein is a major supplier of all the essential amino acids. The body splits this alien egg and places it together with the body's own protein.

In general, animal protein is considered superior to vegetable protein. The reason for this lies in the better utilization of the animal protein. Experiments on rats have showed that faster weight gains are achieved by the administration of animal protein than with a diet of pure vegetable proteins. However, this assumption is still controversial since the composition of proteins has to do with the existing amino acids, which are fully contained in vegetable protein as well as in animal protein.

Animal protein in the diet

Meat is a major supplier of animal protein. Thus, muscular meat from cattle contains about 21% protein, about 2% fat and 75 percent water. A high biological value is obtained by the composition of amino acids. Fish also contains many proteins. A diet with animal protein can also involve the consumption of eggs, milk and milk products. Fermented milk products such as yogurt, sour milk or kefir are easier to digest.

The daily intake of animal protein

The man needs a day about 200 to 400 grams of animal protein and proteins from plant foods and needs them equally. People who work hard physically have higher protein requirements, but the recommended dose of animal protein can be covered easier than plant proteins thanks to the higher bioavailability. However, a long-term over-supply of animal protein leads to various chronic conditions.

In principle, a higher intake of protein results in more liquid because of the protein utilization of uric acid. Whether too much animal protein leads to health problems is still unclear. What is certain, however, is that an excessive protein intake may result in many joint diseases, such as arthritis, rheumatism, gout and high blood pressure and atherosclerosis.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

The History of Wrist watches

From the pocket fashion accessory. At first, people were not allowed to wear portable watches, but everyone has such an accessory today. The watch is no longer just a tool to determine the time. It is considered a designer piece and a lot more than an item that indicates the time.

Many mechanics in a small package 

The first traceable portable clock was built around the year 1500. However, this was not a wrist watch, but rather a pocket watch. Due to the technical progress, people have succeeded in fitting small mechanics and to adapt the parts of a watch so that they are all handy and make an easy-to-handle item. This pocket watch was smaller than an egg when it was invented.

image of watch.The 20th century brought the wristwatch 

The technical progress reached another stage with the turn of the 20th century, this progress enabling the mechanics to fit pieces even in smaller cases. Now it was possible to compress the movement so that you could fix it on a bracelet without problems. The practical application of this new invention was now rapidly displaced from the pocket watch. Wearing a watch quickly became fashionable. Hundreds of models just sprouted from the ground and the variety developed with tremendous speed. However, wristwatches were only worn by women in the early years. Men did not wear watches on their wrists. However, the war brought a change of heart. The soldiers quickly recognized the advantage of wearing a wristwatch instead of taking a watch out of their pocket repeatedly. And so the watch spread among men, too.

The advances do not stop there. The talking wristwatch also became a very handy item for the elderly, the item telling them the time if they just touched a button.

Away from the mechanics and the electronics 

The first watches being very difficult to handle and wind, the mechanics have also made some improvements from this point of view. This led to the automatic watches, which did not have to be wound manually, but were wounded automatically by moving the watch around. The quartz watch was invented in the late 20s, which featured a so-called electronic voice circuit, which displayed the time.

The computerized wristwatch from Japan 

A whole new watch was launched on the Japanese market, where the watch-making industry developed mainly in the 70s. The new Japanese watch did not have a mechanical basis, but a computerized control was a digital sports watch. This watch was rapidly improved several times. Thus, the watch could no longer display the time only. From now on, the small watch also showed the date and even knew whether it was a leap year or an ordinary one.

The wristwatch as jewelry 

A watch is no longer just a clock. The watch has become a fashion accessory. Watches are available in all imaginable colors and shapes. You can always buy matching watches for any fashion collection. The current watches are dominated by fashion trends. However, you can find mens or boys watches for all tastes despite these different trends. The small watches on which people could only read the time if they put their glasses on and the flamboyant giant watches which made it difficult for people to walk upright are now gone. One thing is certain: Science may yet make so much progress - the watch is still far from being just an item people use to tell the time.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Diabetes Requires Good Health Care Management

In 1921 the ability to manage the effects of diabetes was finally realized with the discovery of insulin and the understanding of how the body uses it to transport glucose into the cells for energy. Up until then anyone diagnosed with diabetes normally died within a few years. Insulin gave diabetics a way to manage their disease long term but it is not considered a cure for this disease. As medical research has gained a better understanding of this disease managing its affects has progressed to the point that type 1 diabetics can live a long and fruitful life. Insulin, a healthy diet, and regular exercise are all part of a successful management regimen. Blood glucose monitors allow the diabetic to closely monitor their blood glucose levels and make necessary adjustments to their insulin and dietary needs.

Image of Diabetes Care Management.Several times a year a laboratory test called A1C is used to monitor blood glucose levels over a longer period of time. The A1C test gives a 2 to 3 month average of blood glucose levels. Diabetes Type 2 is a managed a little differently from Type 1 in that it is more of a lifestyle disease then something someone is born with.

With the increasing obesity epidemic, more and more people are being diagnosed with this form of the disease. A healthy diet and exercise routine with the primary goal of losing weight along with blood glucose testing are the primary management tools. This can also be partnered with oral medications and/or insulin depending on the needs of the patient. Any adult diabetic is at an increased risk for cardiovascular disease.

Heart disease and strokes are responsible for killing 65 percent of all those diagnosed with diabetes. This why management of this disease is so important; it is much more than just monitoring blood glucose. Blood pressure and cholesterol also needs to be tracked and managed through diet, exercise, and medications if needed. The ultimate responsibility for managing this disease falls on the person with the diabetes. Monitoring their glucose levels with a blood glucose monitor throughout the day allows them to keep their blood sugar levels from going to high or low; conditions known as hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia, both of which can be very dangerous.

Another cog in the diabetes management tree is the primary care physician. This primary doctor will help them learn how to manage their disease and help them monitor how well their management regimen is working. The primary care provider can also point the diabetic to a variety of specialists who can help them further manage their condition. These can include an endocrinologist who is a doctor that specializes in the treatment of diabetes. Dieticians and nurses who specialize in diabetic care can also be a valuable resource.

A podiatrist, a doctor who specializes in foot care, and an ophthalmologist for eye care are also an important part of managing the affects of diabetes. Pregnant women with either type of diabetes should be seen by an obstetrician who specializes in taking care of women with this disease. This is true in cases of gestational diabetes as well; during birth a pediatrician experienced in caring for babies of diabetics should also be present.

Keeping blood glucose, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels in the normal range is the ultimate goal of any diabetes management regimen. The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) conducted a major 10 year study called the Diabetes and Complications Trial (DCCT) that concluded in 1993. The findings showed the chances of major complications arising from diabetes were significantly reduced if blood glucose levels were kept close to normal. The key to successfully managing diabetes is following the dietary, exercise, and medical management plan outlined by the diabetics health care team. Keeping blood glucose levels under control is essential to ensuring a long and healthy life.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A List of Five Rocking Card and Casino Games

Blackjack Switch

As the name suggests, Blackjack Switch is a Blackjack version and gives the player the option to exchange his cards. You play against the house, but you have two card hands. After the cards have been distributed, you have the option to turn your top two cards. This is a good opportunity to double your card hands or split. Once you make your decision whether you want to replace the cards or not, you can hand your cards following the normal rules of Blackjack, which brings you a payout rate of 1:1 in case of Blackjack. The dealer is not "bust" when he was 22. This is a tie.

Pai Gow

Image of casino games.Pai Gow poker is a fun party game you can play even with a small budget. If you play in a casino, you can even help the other players and vice versa. If you play online, it is a duel between you and the dealer. You start the game with the placement of the first and only bet. After placing the bet, the dealer distributes seven cards face up, while the dealer's all remain face down. The seven cards must be arranged to make two winning hands as good as possible. A card hand consists of five cards and the other of two cards. The only requirement for arranging the card hands is that the value of the 5-card hand is better than that of the 2-card hand. Both your hands must beat the dealer’s in order to win. If the dealer decides to split the cards, the game is a push. If the dealer has a better hand than your hands, you lose. Pai gow is one of the most exciting casino games and you will definitely need the best gambling tips to play the game right.

Casino War

You must have played the card game "War" as a child. If you did, you will surely love the online casino version of this game. You start the game with the placement of the minimum bet. You and the dealer will receive the cards face up. The highest card wins. If there is a draw, you have to match the card or to place a new bet in the same amount as the minimum bet and to declare "war." This "war" is dealt face down to you and the dealer gets three cards. Then you and the dealer will be dealt another card face up. The highest card wins. If the dealer wins, he gets your minimum bet and the "combat bets." If you win, you get your minimum bet, but you do not get the combat bets.

Caribbean Stud

Caribbean Stud poker is one of the rare versions played against the house instead of the dealer or other players. The game starts with a minimum bet and an optional progressive use. You get five cards face down - the dealer has four hidden cards and one exposed card. You have to adjust the options or to increase your minimum bet two-fold. The dealer can only win if he has at least an Ace-King combination. If this is not the case and you keep your hand of cards, the minimum bet is automatically paid out with the same value and the second bet is returned to you. If you beat the dealer's hand, you are paid according to the payout table in a ratio of 1:1 (high card) up to 100:1 (royal flush).


Baccarat is one of the games made famous by the character of James Bond and it is also one of the oldest games in modern casinos. The goal of the game is to predict which of the two card hands (the dealer’s or the player’s) comes closest to nine. You play against the bank. The bets on the player, banker or a tie are placed on the appropriate spaces on the card table. Two card hands are distributed - one for you and one for the bank. Each card hand has either two or three cards. The winning hand is the one that has the value closest to 9. Different cards have different values. That will probably be very confusing at the beginning, but this is a really easy-to-learn card game. And there are many reasons why you should try it.

If you want to try one of these games, the brand new Euro Palace Casino is highly recommended. Here you will get 1500 free credits for starters!

Friday, June 24, 2011

25 Tips to save on calories enjoyable

 Now that the holidays are over, many of us are looking forward to getting back into shape. Our inflated bellies and deflated wallets are a reminder of the carefree times we spent enjoying food and drinks with family and friends.

Don't worry, getting back into shape and saving some money along the way is easy with a few simple tips. To succeed over the long term and eat a sensible diet is essential. If you suffer from obesity, especially because you just love to eat and subsequently eat too much, it difficult to replace this habit and suddenly eat less.. Not very much less, but to eat smarter is the motto: Even small changes in eating habits to help reduce daily caloric intake.

pic of diet.It is important that you know the approximate nutritional value of commercially available products in order to access the "right" foods. Your diet coach can help you to lose weight, and our nutrition experts will help you to reach your desired weight. To reduce 1 kilogram of body fat, you should burn about 7,000 calories in your diet. To accomplish this, and yet not have to starve, requires a food intake of foods that have fewer calories, but but still stave off hunger pains.

It begins with saving calories in the supermarket: What you do not buy, you dont have in the refrigerator. It not it in the refrigerator, you cannot eat it, its too easy.  Pay attention to the nutritional information on food packaging. It appears on most packages of food and beverages, and you can see how many calories the food has by reading it. Take some time to understand this information carefully and to see, compare and to choose a lower-calorie version of the food. The calorie content of course varies depending on product and all calorie information is subject to change.

It seems that everyone I know is either on a diet, thinking of going on a diet or has just fallen off a diet. Diet is a four letter word! No matter what the conversation is, it seems as if it always turns to diets. We all want to save calories without having to think about dieting. Making a few simple changes in what you eat can save you calories as well as help you either to drop some weight or maintain where you are.

Here are some tips to save calories. First, If you like cheese and crackers swap the crackers for a sliced apple and put the cheese on top. This will save you 100 calories. Second, switch that chocolate ice cream for chocolate sorbet and you will save 140 cal for a half cup portion. Third, ask for vegetables on your pizza instead of pepperoni and for that simple change, you can save 100 calories for 2 slices.

Then, trade your bagel for a whole wheat English muffin and save 150 calories. Likewise, use applesauce sprinkled with cinnamon as a topper for your pancakes and save 180 calories by giving up the syrup. Also, swap fried egg rolls for spring rolls to save 100 calories. Lastly, make a simple switch from a 10" tortilla to a 6" tortilla and you can save 120 calories on that burrito.

Pay attention to the nutrients - low-fat foods save a lot of calories and so buy low-fat, healthy foods. Foods high in fat are high in calories. If the water content in the diet, however high, it is low in calories. It is therefore important to avoid foods high in fat content, in order to save calories. Saving calories and being on a diet always depends on you on how you can control yourself not to eat too much. At the end of the day, being beautiful and sexy is in the eye of the beholder.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Motion Sickness and Other Reasons for Vomiting in Dogs

Nausea in dogs has various causes. At worst, there is a bowel obstruction, which causes the dog to vomit.
Coke and pretzels are well-known as a first-aid measure when the child is suffering from vomiting and diarrhea. You should not try this quick shot method on dogs. Avoid too much sugar, too much salt and especially caffeine because they only worsen the situation. It is also important to identify the cause of the vomiting.

Vomiting can have various causes in dogs
image of dog.Occasional vomiting in dogs is not necessarily a sign of illness, but you should pay attention to it because it may lead to very unpleasant situations. A dog sometimes eats delicacies that its digestive tract cannot deal with. Therefore, it needs to eliminate it no matter how.

Dogs are often expected to survive long journeys by car, by train and by plane, especially in the summer. The dog will vomit will most probably vomit in the latter conditions as it has to deal with rocking movements, unusual noise, altitude, temperature fluctuations, narrowness, darkness and loneliness. Conclusion: It experiences anxiety and swelling in the stomach. When these symptoms appear, it is most likely that the dog suffers from motion sickness.

It can also suffer from various diseases of the digestive tract besides motion sickness. Its stomach, intestine and liver can be damaged. Vomiting can even occur as a symptom of kidney disease. Dogs are also attacked by colds and infectious diseases, just like humans. And not to forget poisoning, which must be treated as soon as possible. Severe poisoning can be fatal.

There may be an intestinal obstruction if the dog vomits constantly, but cannot defecate. In most cases, there is a foreign body in the stomach or small intestine. Peach stones, bones, stones - dogs are not always picky when choosing their food. Twisting of the intestines and tumors are also responsible for a bowel obstruction.
Vomiting can also be of neurotic origin and it is then often associated with diarrhea. If all organic causes are excluded, you should think about neurosis.

Treatment of symptoms of vomiting in dogs

Going to the vet is essential, depending on the urgency. Constant vomiting should be an alarm signal. Particularly young animals need to replenish their salt balance by fast infusions.

The best solution is to have the dog drink chamomile tea with a pinch of salt. This home remedy has proven very effective as a first-aid measure in dogs. Homeopathic remedies such as Ipecahuanha D4 or D6 Nux Vomica also help.Some people use motion sickness patches. The latter also helps with motion sickness and can be administered half an hour before departure.

Dogs like to eat snow. This should stop because it triggers gastritis. Even too hot, too cold or hot food can be dangerous. However, these situations are not that difficult to repair.

An intestinal obstruction involves a blockage in the digestive tract, which can be fatal for the dog. The foreign body or tumor must be removed as quickly as possible. The vet normally uses an endoscope or operates by sectioning