Generally, birds respond to injury and illness differently than we ourselves are accustomed to. External causes of injury, even with slight bleeding, they easily put away as a rule. Even bone fractures are usually only really serious if the wings are affected. Much more serious, however, are internal diseases: respiratory infections caused by such drafts, diseases of the digestive organs and vitamin deficiency due to poor diet, or egg-binding parasites.
Symptom changes in behavior
Most zebra finch diseases are to be avoided by you through care for optimal placement, appropriate nutrition and hygiene. If one of your feathered darlings is still sick, you have to act fast. But what symptoms indicate that one of your zebra finches is sick? Changes in behavior should always be a warning sign. If your bird behaves listless and indifferent, for example, or has the eyes closed or is puffed up frequently, it could indicate the onset of disease. Zebra finches normallyare brimming with zest for life and have something to do constantly. If he suddenly sleeps too much, or otherwise acts strangely, then you should be seriously worried.
A zebra finch with wet, sticky eyes that looks dull, has no luster in the eyes and isolates himself from his flock members, feels miserable. Furthermore, changes in feces are to be taken as one symptom of a zebra finch disease that could be serious. If a bird has an open beak, is breathing heavily and sits on their tail feathers on each breath, it could be the start of a respiratory illness.
When disease is there you must hurry
If a zebra finch is ill, you always need to hurry: These little animals have little resistance. For them it's dangerous if you wait too long or do nothing. A veterinarian who is familiar with zebra finches should therefore always be near you.
These are just some basic information on disease in zebra finches. There's plenty of literature, in which you can get accurate information so you can help your little friends in an emergency. Your pets will thank you after surviving the disease with renewed vitality.
Important Note
The Content Advisor cannot replace a visit to the vet. This information should not be used alone as the basis for health-related decisions. In diseases of animals and use of medication, you should consult a veterinarian.
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