Flea pupae can survive for at least 1 year. They are very resilient and cannot be killed by poison sprays!
A female flea lays up to 2,500 eggs within 3 weeks! You must fight cat fleas very quickly and prevent their spreading.
Fleas are active throughout the whole year. Warmer temperatures also provide a better climate for fleas.
In nature, the typical flea season is from late April/early May to late November.
This is a year round problem in heated homes!
You basically have to fight both the adult fleas and their descendants. Only 5% of the flea population consists of adult cat fleas. 95% of the flea population consists of their descendants, which you also have to combat!
Fleas are not very pretentious when choosing their hosts. It often happens that fleas jump from cats to people.
It is absolutely necessary that you also apply tapeworm treatments because cat fleas often transmit diseases!
Two basic approaches have proven to be effective in flea control:
- Killing the adult animals
- Prevention of fleas in the future

Flea control with the flea comb
You can get rid of the fleas in the fur of a cat using the flea comb. The comb should be guided through the fur of the cat.
It usually catches some fleas from the fur with its fine teeth. The big black crumbs (flea excrement) are the clearest indication of cat fleas. It is also clear that the cat has fleas when it scratches constantly. Red and moistened crumbs are actually flea dirt.
You can crush the cat fleas when you catch them or you can introduce the paper into the water (they drown).
Flea control with the flea collar
This approximately 35 cm long flea collar is effective and acts against fleas and ticks for about five months.
The collar is treated with the drug Dympilat.
You can find waterproof flea collars with an elongation area and a special closing system.
Cat flea collars are very well rated by Amazon customers, for instance. They are praised in particular for the good fit and their effectiveness in flea control.
Flea control with Frontline Spot On
Frontline Spot On is an effective and reliable protection method against cat fleas. You can find comprehensive information about Frontline Spot On for cats 6 pack on the information page of Frontline.
The opinions of Amazon customers regarding Frontline are divided. Some are very satisfied with the results, while some others claim that they have not got rid of the fleas.
According to the observations of customers, Frontline Spot On takes effect within 24 hours. This effect lasts for up to 4 weeks.
The cats should be kept under observation after the treatment because there can be short-term changes in their behavior.
Prevention measures against cat fleas
Cat fleas lay their eggs on the cat, but then they fall off and are distributed in or in the vicinity of the sleeping place. Therefore, flea eggs can be found everywhere in the apartment and in the car - in the living room, bedroom and even in your bed!
Regular vacuuming is necessary (at least once a day) to ensure that all the flea pupae are eliminated.
You should vacuum everything thoroughly (including pillows, blankets, bedding, upholstered furniture, including sofa crevices, carpet, and the immediate surroundings of the residence and sleeping places of the cat) over a long period of time. You can also use a steam cleaner and throw away the content in a plastic bag. All blankets and washable items should be washed regularly and so should the animals for the flea eggs to be eliminated.
You can also use a flea control fogger in case of massive infestation of the home. This is an agent that prevents the flea larvae from developing in the carpet
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