Wednesday, November 30, 2011

White Grape Wines

White wines come either from white or black grapes. Some of the best known white grape varieties include Chardonnay, Sauvignon, Riesling, Marsanne, Melon de Bourgogne or even Semillon.

The six main white grape varieties:


Named after a small village in Macon in Burgundy, Chardonnay has increased a lot in popularity over 90 years, from 7300 ha forty years ago to 30000 ha at the present moment. Cultivated in Europe, Germany, America, Argentina, Canada, Chile, Australia and not only, it is now an international grape variety that is also used in champagne, including in the making of Blanc de Blancs.
image of wines.
This early variety is very fragile although it produces very high-quality wine. It is sensitive to late frosts, excessive vegetation and too intense drought. Therefore, those who embark on its cultivation should be very vigilant!


Fine and fruity aromas of apple, citrus and pineapple combined with notes of caramel, mineral.


A native of Bordeaux, the Sauvignon grape is one of the favorite French wine producers.

It has also won the palates of consumers worldwide, tasters and ordinary amateurs being enchanted by this grape! Indeed, it is has exceptional aromatic qualities that allow tasters to distinguish it from other white grapes.

Particularly sensitive to the quality of the soil, Sauvignon grapes thrive on calcareous soils and produce wines like romanian wines very quickly. Cultivated on clay and silica soils, it produces wines that improve over time.


Aromas of grapefruit, juniper, boxwood, flint, blackcurrant, passion fruit, litchi, orange, guava, iris, elderberry, rose, acacia, lime, rhubarb, asparagus, musk, roasted meat, melon, nectarine or peach. The aromas released by the Sauvignon grapes depend on its planting site.


A native of the Rhineland and the Moselle, Riesling is recognized as one of the best white grape varieties in the world. The Riesling grape is a gastronomic excellence. Indeed, it makes special fruity wines, even if they are lighter and livelier than Chardonnay wines, for example.

In France, this grape is mainly located in Alsace, where it covers 23.2% of the planted areas. The Riesling grape is a very cold hardy and not too fond of warm climates grape, which usually adds little flavor to the wine and increases the alcohol level. It owes its success to the wide range of tasty wines that it can produce.


Fruity (lemon, grapefruit, peach, pear, green apple, stewed fruit...) and floral (white flowers, lime, white nettle...), anise, cumin, quince, licorice and fennel. It can have mineral aromas (flint...) as it ages.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Vaccinations and Viral Diseases in Cats

Routine vaccinations can minimize the risks that cats develop serious diseases. The current trend in both humans and animals shows that we are “tired of vaccines”.

Ant that’s mostly because the side effects play an increasingly important role - and rightly so! Especially in cats and dogs, the question arises why the animals must undergo an annual vaccination even though there are already vaccines that ensure a longer immunization (at least in the United States).

Are the vaccines so "bad" or are the pharmaceutical industry and vets all about "making money" from vaccines?

It is known that a vaccine cannot offer 100% protection. Cats need to be vaccinated once a year, at least until the age of six. This way, the risks that a cat develops a viral disease are minimized.

It is up to each keeper to decide whether and how often the animal should be vaccinated. Rabies is the only exception. Rabies can attack and kill unvaccinated cats or cats which were vaccinated more than one year ago. Therefore, the risk of developing rabies should be reduced to zero (it would be nice if this country allowed the three-year vaccine and if the veterinary authorities recognized it). Anyone who wants to take their animal to an animal hotel should have it revaccinated.

Hopefully, something will happen in the next few years and veterinarians will care about the welfare of your four-legged friends more - vaccinations will not be annual anymore and pets will not undergo only a routine annual examination (a nice thought). Of course there is no guarantee this will ever happen...

Warning: Poisonous houseplants

There are plants which can cause serious poisoning in cats in almost every household. Poisonous plants should be removed from your budget. Only Cyprus and green lily grass should remain.

Smokers should be informed that nicotine deposits on the leaves of plants and can cause serious damage to cats if they eat them. Therefore, cat owners who smoke should only do that in open air…
Another thing about poisoning:

Do not waste any time in case you suspect that your cat may be suffering from poisoning and take it to the vet immediately. Do not give it anything.

There are water-soluble and fat-soluble toxins! Remove any poison that may be left on the skin (bathe the cat, wash it with mild shampoo), cut its hair if necessary and take it to the vet. Just make sure that the cat does not lick itself.

If the cat has vomited, take its vomit to the vet so he can quickly determine the type and quantity of poison the cat has ingested if you do not know what the cat has eaten.
picture of cats.
The little "pharmacy"

Drugs used in human medicine can be dangerous for cats. Serious illness, injury and poisoning must be treated by a vet. Nevertheless, it is useful to take some first-aid measures. It is also helpful and useful to have the most important phone numbers to hand - that of the vet, even an emergency number of the poison control center, a taxi number, the animal rescue service number, the fire department number - and a first aid kit.

You should always use sterile gauze bandages for first aid in case of an accident. Elastic bandages can block the blood circulation! If a blood vessel pops, squeeze it and then apply a firm bandage. Press the bandage halfway to the wound.

If a foreign body has been drilling in the cat, pull it out at all costs! Cover the wound with sterile material and try to dampen the excessive bleeding. Take the cat to the vet immediately!

The scissors must have rounded corners.

Tweezers (possibly with a magnifying glass) should be to hand, for example for pulling out glass splinters, thorns or insect stings.

(Normally, the body temperature of the cat is 38 to 39 degrees.) The thermometer should be digital or it should be a baby fever thermometer. Lubricate the hole with Vaseline so that the cat feels more comfortable.
Cats usually do not like tablets, not even with the finest treats such as multi-vitamin paste, meat, veal sausage, butter, etc... You should ask the vet for a liquid product or a tablet that can dissolve in water. You can take a disposable syringe (without a metal needle) and inject the drug in the lateral cheek slowly and carefully.
You should always have dressing material to hand because a cat in pain and panic will certainly answer any well-intentioned help with any available weapons.

Medicines intended for animals must be separated from those intended for people.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Anatomy of the pancreas

The pancreas (pancreas) transverse in the upper abdomen below the stomach and in front of the spine. It reaches from the spleen to the loop of the duodenum.

picture of diabetes.It weighs 60 g to 100, is 15 to 20 cm long, up to 9 cm wide and about 2 cm thick. Over the whole pancreas, the islets of Langerhans are distributed like islands. In these islands the blood sugar-lowering hormone insulin is produced and released into the blood. Among others, these islands produce the hormones glucagon and somatostatin.

The vast majority of the pancreas (about 95%) produces digestive juices (enzymes) that get through a duct into the duodenum
To meet the body's functions such as heartbeat, respiration, and movement, the body needs energy that is produced by the combustion of nutrients. Carbohydrates (sugars) are the main fuels available to quickly and directly increase the body's blood sugar. They come mainly from plant food sources that contain sugar or can be converted to sugar such as starch from potatoes, flour, bread, fruit, vegetables.

Carbohydrates are simple or pure dextrose (glucose) and fruit sugar (fructose). Compound sugars are glucose, maltose and lactose. These are practically equivalent to the artificial sweeteners like sorbitol and xylitol. Grape sugar (glucose) can be introduced into the cell only with the help of insulin.



The hormone insulin plays a central role in human metabolism. Insulin is primarily responsible for the transport of sugar from the blood into the cells, where it is burned for energy.

In addition, insulin also influences the regulation of fat and protein balance. Insulin is produced in the beta cells of islets of Langerhans of the pancreas. The insulin molecule is composed of two chains of amino acids (protein building blocks) consisting of protein. When taken through mouth,  the protein hormone insulin would be digested in the digestive tract and will lose its effect. Therefore, it cannot be taken in pill form. This is usually administered by injection.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Fleas in Cats - Combat Fleas with Frontline

If you have discovered fleas on your cat, then it is high time to combat them. Fleas can transmit diseases, so you should proceed very thoroughly and expeditiously when combating fleas:

Flea pupae can survive for at least 1 year. They are very resilient and cannot be killed by poison sprays!

A female flea lays up to 2,500 eggs within 3 weeks! You must fight cat fleas very quickly and prevent their spreading.

Fleas are active throughout the whole year. Warmer temperatures also provide a better climate for fleas.

In nature, the typical flea season is from late April/early May to late November.

This is a year round problem in heated homes!

You basically have to fight both the adult fleas and their descendants. Only 5% of the flea population consists of adult cat fleas. 95% of the flea population consists of their descendants, which you also have to combat!

Fleas are not very pretentious when choosing their hosts. It often happens that fleas jump from cats to people.

It is absolutely necessary that you also apply tapeworm treatments because cat fleas often transmit diseases!
Two basic approaches have proven to be effective in flea control:
  • Killing the adult animals
  • Prevention of fleas in the future

image of cats.
Flea control with the flea comb


You can get rid of the fleas in the fur of a cat using the flea comb. The comb should be guided through the fur of the cat.
It usually catches some fleas from the fur with its fine teeth. The big black crumbs (flea excrement) are the clearest indication of cat fleas. It is also clear that the cat has fleas when it scratches constantly. Red and moistened crumbs are actually flea dirt.
You can crush the cat fleas when you catch them or you can introduce the paper into the water (they drown).

Flea control with the flea collar


This approximately 35 cm long flea collar is effective and acts against fleas and ticks for about five months.
The collar is treated with the drug Dympilat.
You can find waterproof flea collars with an elongation area and a special closing system.
Cat flea collars are very well rated by Amazon customers, for instance. They are praised in particular for the good fit and their effectiveness in flea control.

Flea control with Frontline Spot On


Frontline Spot On is an effective and reliable protection method against cat fleas. You can find comprehensive information about Frontline Spot On for cats 6 pack on the information page of Frontline.

The opinions of Amazon customers regarding Frontline are divided. Some are very satisfied with the results, while some others claim that they have not got rid of the fleas.

According to the observations of customers, Frontline Spot On takes effect within 24 hours. This effect lasts for up to 4 weeks.

The cats should be kept under observation after the treatment because there can be short-term changes in their behavior.

Prevention measures against cat fleas


Cat fleas lay their eggs on the cat, but then they fall off and are distributed in or in the vicinity of the sleeping place. Therefore, flea eggs can be found everywhere in the apartment and in the car - in the living room, bedroom and even in your bed!

Regular vacuuming is necessary (at least once a day) to ensure that all the flea pupae are eliminated.

You should vacuum everything thoroughly (including pillows, blankets, bedding, upholstered furniture, including sofa crevices, carpet, and the immediate surroundings of the residence and sleeping places of the cat) over a long period of time. You can also use a steam cleaner and throw away the content in a plastic bag. All blankets and washable items should be washed regularly and so should the animals for the flea eggs to be eliminated.

You can also use a flea control fogger in case of massive infestation of the home. This is an agent that prevents the flea larvae from developing in the carpet

Friday, November 4, 2011

Sexy carnival costume: a selection

Sexy halloween costumes provide countless opportunities for creative styling and provide the perfect party fun.

There are plenty of carnival costumes to choose from.

At carnival, everything is permitted, this is an old carnival wisdom. This of course applies especially in relation to the choice of costumes. Sexy Halloween costumes offer the opportunity to step into other roles once. Basically, you can choose various costumes for the party. It may not always be the bunny look, a sexy bee costume or a Snow White costume. Sexy Halloween costumes need to have the following basics: a short skirt or shorts, tights and glamorous makeup. Your imagination knows no boundaries with the selection of sexy costumes. Carnival is virtually unlimited.

For the Friends of Dracula

The vamp is the classic sexy costumes and can be styled individually. Here, the black and red colors dominate in combination with big hair and red lips for the outfit. The vampire teeth, which are available in different variants, are used.

The costume can be worn very well with torn tights and the attachable devil horns which will provide the finishing touch. Very sexy costume can also be witch, the gangster or pirate bride.
A sexy costume will make you look good at the party.

image of costumes.
Innocent and sexy

Sexy Halloween costumes always give charming and delightful effect. Just remind yourself of your favorite fairy tales and conquer the hearts as Snow White, Sleeping Beauty or Little Red Riding Hood.

A successful performance is guaranteed with the fairy costume, which can be worn with sexy accessories. You are guaranteed to be the focus  if you have the nun costume because of the combination of mini skirt and sexy nun's veil. You can also sparkle in an angel costume. You can radiate completely in gold or white.

Sexy Halloween costumes need not to be expensive. The sexy schoolgirl look is found in every wardrobe and something which could be more convincing than an individually styled outfit.