With an abundance of different types of proteins and supplements cluttering grocery store shelves and website offerings, understanding which protein is best for specific goals can seem overwhelming. For muscle building hopefuls, choosing a protein supplement or source can be vital to one's success, and making the distinction from one type to the other is even more important. The amino acids that are linked together, forming a chain, are also known as protein and are an imperative source of nitrogen within the muscles. Without the nitrogen contained within amino acids in proteins, the body could not repair itself after strenuous workouts. Difficult workouts provoke a need for recovery as the muscles are broken down in order to be rebuilt, bigger and better. Without the amino acids in protein, the body cannot perform the repairs necessary to see results and increase bulk.

A diet that does not contain enough protein can result in the body using muscle to supply the amino acids necessary for repairs, resulting in muscle loss rather than increase. In addition to eating enough protein, consuming the nutrient frequently and during periods when the body is particularly taxed is an important consideration for those looking to bulk up. Distinguishing between the two types of existing proteins can be an important differentiation for weight trainers. While complete proteins contain all of the amino acids within a chain, incomplete protein does not contain all of the essential amino acids. While complete proteins are comprised of foods like chicken, beef and eggs, foods from plant sources are often incomplete sources of protein.
Protein sources and the accompanying benefits are abundant in the varieties offered. From soy to whey to animal protein, including a variety of different sources can be more helpful than sticking to one monochromatic option. Whey shakes may work for those in a rush or enduring time constraints and hectic schedules. On the other hand, animal protein sources may be a better choice for another situation.
Different sources of protein offer differing chains of amino acids, which can be a beneficial aspect for those looking to bulk up. While whey protein lends itself well to recovery periods, meat sources of protein are particularly effective at building bulk. Including a variety of the different types can result in an overall improvement and muscle building. Instead of focusing on sticking to one source of protein, weight trainers should switch their attention to the amount of protein consumed.
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